Monday, January 18, 2010

[Manga] Ze

After the death of his grandmother and only remaining relative, Shinakawa Raizou moves in with the mysterious Mitou family as their housekeeper. He soon learns the Mitou family's secret: the Mitou can use great power with only their words. But because this power harms the body of the user, the Mitou pair up with human-like paper dolls to transfer their wounds to them through bodily fluid contact.

One of the longer mangas you'll probably read (I am currently still reading it), but I've never been moved to tears and just fapped to this because it is AWESOME.

To expand on the short summary, Shinakawa Raizou, a tall blond teen moves in to the capital to continue his studies. But to fund his housing expenses, he decides to do housework for the Mitou family. The family is made up of the master puppeteer, 3 kotodama-samas (humans who can use word spirit, or command anyone to do their bidding at a price using their body), and 4 kami-samas (kami means 'paper', basically they're shikigamis. Not humans, they do not bleed, have a weakness for water, and feel like a human but have no heart and no warmth.)

The reason why I love this manga is because the seme is probably one of the most earnest characters I have ever seen. Raizou (nice name btw) exemplifies the epitome of a country boy. Honest, passive, reliant, polite, earnest, and very loyal to family (or his deceased grandmother for that matter. If you're not crying by the end of the Raizou arc, you're not human!)

The art is unimpressive for those who are used to reading too much /y/ but the character designs all make up for it. I am pretty sure you'll find someone to be your favorite, whether he be a kotodama-sama or a kami-sama.

The next chapters will deal with the other family members of the Mitou clan. Technically, my only favorite was Raizou and Kon, and Shoui and Asari (one of my favorite kami).

I wept, I felt my heart ripped, I fapped. One of the better underrated mangas out there.

Just to avoid confusion, kotodama and kami HAVE to be of the same sex. >:)

Manga Link: Ze

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